星期日, 5月 05, 2013

Lauren Faust在推特上的問答#2


大神又回答了更多問題囉!這邊放上近期更新的新問題整理與翻譯, 這次解答了幾個大家爭論以久的疑問, 例如空角獸的源起還有 Mane 5 在紫悅出現之前的關係等等

出處同樣為 EQD 的大神推特答客問整理 Part 2

Q: Were Celestia and Luna born as alicorns?
Celestia 和 Luna 天生就是空角獸嗎?
A: In my book, yes
在我的世界觀中, 是的

Q: Also, are they gods in your book?
那麼, 妳認為她們是馬國的神祇嗎?
A: No, but extremely magical and powerful.
不是, 但她們極為神奇與強大

Q: So... Apple Bloom wearing a Blossom-esque bow... Intentional or serendipitous?
A: Neither, really. Big red bows on young girls is an old visual icon. Many characters before Blossom have had it.
兩者都不是, 真的. 小女孩戴著大紅色的蝴蝶結已是行之有年的特徵. 在花花之前的許多角色就已經是這樣

Q: So the CMC-PPG comparisons are just coincidence?
所以 CMC 與 PPG 相似純屬巧合?
A: I was aware of the similarity, but it wasn't a purposeful nod to PPG (or Kiki's Delivery Service, either.)
我有注意到她們之間的相似之處, 但並沒有刻意想模仿 PPG (也不是想仿宮崎駿的魔女宅急便)

Q: I wondered about Everfree Forest - what happened? Did it lose its magic? Was it related to Nightmare Moon?
我想知道 Everfree Forest 到底發生了什麼事? 這個地方失去了它的魔力嗎? 是否跟夢魘之月有關呢?
A: It was not related to NMM. To me, it was always supposed to continually encroach on Equestria's borders (it used to be further out, but grew over the Sisters' Castle). I had intended for it to be a constant source of wonder and threat, but things just didn’t roll out that way.
跟夢魘之月無關. 對我來說, 這座森林不斷侵犯著小馬國的邊界(其實原本應該是在更遠的彼方, 只是樹林慢慢增生最後覆蓋了皇家姊妹的舊城堡) 我本來有意把它設定成一個常有奇蹟與威脅的地方, 但事情最後並沒像我想的那樣

Q: What would you change in S1 using the knowledge you have now about the show and fans? Also, Derpy or Ditzy?
根據妳現在對於小馬迷與劇情的了解, 第一季有什麼妳想改變的地方嗎?
A: I think I would have been pushier about trying to include Luna sooner like I had hoped to. And Derpy. ;)
我想我會極力盡早將 Luna 加入劇中, 就像我一直希望的一樣. 還有Derpy

Q: Many fictional worlds have neat origin/creation stories. Does MLP have any/many?
許多虛構的世界都有完整的源起或創世背景故事. MLP 有任何/很多類似的故事嗎?
A: I never thought up a solid one, to be honest.
老實說, 我從來沒想過一個完整的起源故事

Q: What were the other 5’s relationship before Twilight came to Ponyville? Were others friends as fillies (like Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy)? Did they all know of each other?
在紫悅來到小馬鎮之前 Mane 5 之間的關係是如何呢? 她們從小就是朋友嗎? (像雲寶和柔柔那樣) 她們原本就認識彼此嗎?
A: They were already friends, though perhaps they grew closer after Twilight came around.
他們原本就已經是朋友, 但紫悅的出現可能讓她們之間的關係更加緊密

Q: Drawing characters myself, I was wondering how you got the design for Fluttershy and gummy? I love Fluttershy and I breed geckos.
我本身也有在畫一些角色, 我想知道妳是怎麼設計出柔柔和黏黏這兩個角色? 我很愛柔柔而且我有養一隻壁虎
A: I did a little research on baby alligators and tried my best. Fluttershy - I just sat down and started drawing until she felt right.
我有稍微研究過幼年期的鱷魚並盡我最大的努力去嘗試作畫. 至於柔柔 - 我就直接坐下來開始作畫直到我滿意為止

Q: With Celestia and Luna, did you ever decide the division of the Elements of Harmony between them?
你曾經想過 Celestia 和 Luna 分別代表著哪些和諧元素嗎?
A: I never did, but it would be fun to figure out.
我沒有想過, 但我相信構思這個將這會很有趣

Q: We know how Tara became your Twilight but how involved were you with the casting of the other actors?
我們已經知道 Tara 是如何成為紫悅的配音員, 但在配音員的選擇上妳的參與度有多高?
A: They auditioned and the cast was chosen between me, Hasbro and The Hub.
配音員是由我本人, 孩之寶還有 Hub 三方所共同選出來的

