星期日, 7月 21, 2013

2013 美國聖地牙歌動漫博覽會:彩虹小馬第四季情報訪談整理與翻譯


回顧去年苦等第三季時也是差不多在同樣的時間看到第三季新情報 (首集的歌曲), 孩之寶向來對於 SDCC 與 NYCC 兩場盛會非常重視, 今年當然也不例外, 本週末於美國聖地牙哥聖盛大登場的 2013 SDCC 動漫博覽會終於放出彩虹小馬第四季的相關情報!相信今年二月看完第三季後的各位, 對於第四季一定是充滿無限的期待, 到底未來會有什麼樣全新的故事劇情呢? 接下來就讓我們來看看編劇與配音員們在這次會場中的彩虹小馬座談時間透露了哪些有關第四季的最新消息吧!

如果想看第四季分鏡稿影片可以點這裡: Comic Con Season 4 Pony Clip (HD)

Equestria Girls:
首先是關於電影版 Equestria Girls 的提問:

Hasbro asked for a humanized pony concept and Meghan wanted to take a Wizard of Oz approach to the story where she meets people with similiarities to her friends
Hasbro 要求做出擬人化的小馬, 總編 Meghan 想要用像綠野仙蹤那樣的故事型態讓主角遇上與她朋友相似的人們

Jayson's first impression was WHAAAT?
監督 Jayson 對於 Equestria Girls 的第一印象是: 什麼!!!???

Studio was excited to finally be able to draw things with hands, and being able to write a longer story as opposed to just the half hour episodes.

Music took a different direction from the series, primarily focusing on using all the ponies as a high school girl band pop music setting as opposed to the usual showtune style.  
Equestria Girls 的音樂曲風走的是與本篇完全不同的路線, 主要是把所有小馬設想成高中女生流行音樂團體, 而不是像本篇一直以來的風格
(其實 EQG 裡面那種宛如 pop music 的曲風我還挺喜歡的)

Cathy was thrilled to be visiting a different world and playing a dog as opposed to Spike's usual dragon form
Cathy 對於能夠造訪不同世界與能為首次以不是龍身份登場的"史派狗"配音感到很興奮

400 tickets being given away at the Hasbro booth at Today for Equestria Girls this afternoon
聖地牙歌動漫展活動一共送出 400 張 Equestria Girls 的電影票

Season 4 (Kinda spoilery):

Meghan is excited about the new opportunities Twilight as an alicorn unlocks, but she stays true to her usual Twilight Sparkle adorkable way.
Meghan 對於空角紫悅為故事開啟全新的可能性感到很興奮, 但紫悅依然會保留她可愛傻氣的一面
(adorkable = adorable (可愛的) + dorky (傻氣的) 複合字)

They are doing something that they have never done on the show before but keeping it the same pony style.  
劇組在第四季將有前所未有的新嘗試, 但依然會維持一貫的小馬劇集風格

Tons of music this season, including characters that haven't sung yet.  Between 15-20 songs tota
這季的音樂超級多, 包括許多從未開口唱過歌的腳色. 整季合計將有 15-20 首歌曲
(到底是哪些角色目前未知, 大家敬請期待!)

Daniel is most proud of season 4 in comparison to all other seasons so far.  He is just finishing up the final song right now.
相較於前幾季, Daniel 對於第四季的歌曲最感驕傲. 他目前正著手完成最後的歌曲

Most of the names people shouted out have songs according to MK (Luna, Scratch, and a few others, though everyone kept shouting Derpy.  It's going to be a tough sell to let her sing)
根據 MK 表示, 現場大部分有提出名字的角色都會有歌曲, 包括 Luna, DJ, 還有一些其他馬. (儘管大家一直喊 Derpy 但要讓她唱歌似乎不太可能)
(誰可以解答一下MK代表的是誰呀? 我一時想不到....)

They think of the episodes as actual movies as opposed to short half hour episodes.
劇組在想劇情時是把一集當成整部電影來構思, 而不是只是一個三十分鐘的小短篇
(希望第四季的劇情能更加嚴謹完整, 第三季的劇情編排真的不得不說有很多問題存在)

Spike has a lot of fun in season 4.

Meghan promises Rarity does get an episode this season. She doesn't want anymore "DON'T BELIEVE HER LIES!" memes!
總編 Meghan 承諾第四季的珍奇回不會再跳票了. 她不想再聽到一堆人說她是騙子

They think they broke Tabitha with the Rarity lines this season
劇組覺得他們用珍奇的台詞把 Tabitha 玩壞掉了

Andrea says Pinkie Pie's season 4 writing is hilarious, and piles of crazy stuff happens to Fluttershy.
Andrea 表示第四季有關碧琪的劇情非常歡樂, 還有許多瘋狂的事將會發生在柔柔身上

The musical style episode in season 4 centers around Pinkie Pie.
(又有歌舞集...是不是看到第三季最終回以歌舞劇型態奪下 Leo Awards 大獲成功所以做上癮了? 老實說我個人是不喜歡啦...我覺得這種表現手法很偷懶)

Pinkie Pie meets someone who gives her a run for her partying money.

Spike is put into situations much more uncomfortable than normal.

Q&A Section:

Kids Questions started these out. And they love Derpy/background ponies.  They were also my favorites.
這些問題是由小朋友們提出的, 他們很喜歡 Derpy 和背景小馬們. 他們也是我最喜歡的

Q: Are we going to see more Derpy?
我們還會繼續看到 Derpy 出場嗎?
A: The same style of love for Derpy from Equestria Girls will be throughout season 4
第四季中 Derpy 會持續以像在 Equestria Girls 電影裡那樣的型態出現 (依然是背景馬的意思)

Q: Are we going to get an episode around Derpy?
會有 Derpy 專屬的一集嗎?
A: Part of the fun of pony is how we have taken characters as our own through fanfiction and art, and they like to let us have our fun with them. There are too many stories with the mane 6 and Spike to split off for background ponies
看小馬有一大部份的樂趣是來自看這些角色如何被融入同人領域的創作跟小說當中, 聚組也很樂見同人為這些角色構築出許多有趣的事物. 但是在本篇之中已經有太多有關 Mane 6 和穗龍的故事要交代, 所以沒辦法再分出時間給背景小馬們

Q: Soundtrack on the Way?
A: Yes
(這大概是最令人興奮的消息吧!! 我等這句話等兩年啦!!)

Q: Is Scootaloo an Orphan?
A: Just because Scootaloo's parents haven't been on screen yet, doesn't mean they are dead.

Q: Why haven't Pinkie Pie's parents and sisters visited her?
A: Season 4 has a Pinkie Pie sisters visiting episode.
(姊妹在官方小說已經登場過, 角色名稱也已經確定是 Marble Pie 與 Limestone Pie)

Q: Little girl is worried about Derpy being removed
小女孩們很擔心 Derpy 從此被鬼隱
A: Don't believe anything you see on the internet.  

Q: Will Rarity be famous due to Twilight's alicorn status and clothing line?
A: She's already famous

Q: Hardest lines for the VA's
A: Andrea - Chim Cherry
Andrea 回答: Chim Cherry
(來自 The Last Roundup)

Q: Now that Twilight's an alicorn, are the mane 6 going to be alicorns?  
紫悅已經成為空角獸了, 她的朋友們也會全部變成空角獸嗎?
所有的馬都會變成空角獸!!! (開玩笑的)
(You don't say....?)

Q: Are we going to see more Pinkamena?
我們還有機會看到更多碧琪的"直髮"裡馬格嗎? (像 The Party of One 那樣的碧琪)
A: It's a very strange place for her, and they dont like doing it too often
那是個非常詭異的狀態, 劇組不喜歡太常使用這種橋段

Q: Will Vinyl and Octavia get an episode?
DJ 和 Octavia 會有專屬的一集嗎?
A: Pony needs a side series for all these ponies!
(雖然有點答非所問 不過本篇想必是沒時間了 我猜大概會用漫畫版來呈現吧)

Q: More cake twins?
A: They will be there, but not focused on
他們會出現, 但不會是劇情重點

Q: What was Derpy reading in Equestria Girls to cause her to blush?
在 Equestria Girls 裡面, Derpy 是讀了什麼才臉紅的?
A: My Little Pony Fanfiction

Q: Is it hard to keep track for Andrea with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie?  She heard Fluttershy's voice on Pinkie Pie once!
對 Andrea 來說要在柔柔與碧琪兩個角色間切換配音是不是很困難? 好像曾經在碧琪的台詞聽到柔柔的聲音
A: It's really tricky, but shes getting better at it
的確非常不容易, 但她已經越來越熟練了

Q: Will there be more babs seed?
Babs Seed 還會再出場嗎?
A: No More babs Seed

Brony Questions:

Q: Movie references coming up?
A: Some good ones coming up, expecially if you pay attention to background characters.
如果你多注意背景小馬的話, 會發現許多很棒的電影梗

Q: How far adavnced is the storyline planned overall
整體來說, 劇情的安排已經計劃到多深遠了?
A: Things were set up and planned to be explored in season four from season three

Q: More Zecora?
還會看到 Zecora 嗎?
A: Consider it done!

Q: Will the Changelings come back?
第四季當中的所有角色其實都是幻形怪 (噓~~)

會場放出的第四季分鏡稿影片板上已經有人貼上, 這邊就不再重覆發布, 看完前導情報是否對於不知何時會播出的第四季更加興奮了呢? 讓我們繼續等下去.....

如果想看第四季分鏡稿影片可以點這裡: Comic Con Season 4 Pony Clip (HD)

